The Northcutt Family blog

This is a crazy, beautiful life we lead. "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly" -John 10:10

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

New Look

Do you like the new look for the blog? Since I'm hopeless at figuring out the more detailed aspects of web world, my friends, the Penuels, created this blog header using a picture and the colors that I wanted! I've been wanting a custom header for awhile, and I'm so glad the Penuels are starting this business and the headers are so cheap! Just $10! Anyway, they'll really work with what you want so if you're like me and clueless with certain computer stuff, check out to get a custom design header.


Nicole said...

It is awesome...and I love that they started a business doing this!!! :) What a fabulous idea...

Leslie said...

It looks great! What a fun side business. Wish I could think of something like that to do with all of my spare time!!

Natalie said...

Cute! I love the new look! I think I remember her from edu. classes at Baylor, right??