The Northcutt Family blog

This is a crazy, beautiful life we lead. "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly" -John 10:10

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Any Takers??

Ok, I'm putting this out there (and if I do that then maybe I'll stay committed!), but one of my goals is to complete a marathon. BUT I can't do this alone! I need a running partner. (Kara - I'm counting on you! But, I know you've already completed one, so I understand if you don't want to :) ) I want to do the one in April at Fair's the website... anybody interested? When Kara and I did the half-marathon we used Jeff Galloway's training schedule, so I just checked that for marathon training, but if you know of another training schedule that's good, let me know! Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right! (ok, a little cheesy, but what do you expect? Once a teacher, always a teacher!) Please somebody do this with me!


Leslie said...

I woud love to start training again but I have no idea when to find the time. And I think I need to do another half first. I'll think on it and see what I can come up with. Kudos to you Mer!

Hunter, Amanda, Hudson and Maddie said...

gosh...i would love to, but i hate to sweat so i don't think i would be a very good partner. good luck finding someone. i am so impressed with you. i will your cheerleader!!=)

Hunter, Amanda, Hudson and Maddie said...

that was supposed to say, "i will be your cheerleader!"

TeamRiss said... are awesome! I'd try to convince you to do the MS150 with me but I feel like your heart is already into the marathon! Super impressed you're doing one!

Kara Wilson said...

I am so impressed!!! I SO wish I had the time to train with you again! We had SO MUCH fun training for the half together! I will for sure train with you sometime (not for sure when!!!!) for the half again! Good luck- you can do it!!!! Love ya!