The Northcutt Family blog

This is a crazy, beautiful life we lead. "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly" -John 10:10

Thursday, November 15, 2007


This past weekend we went to Longview to visit Granna and Granddaddy, Uncle Toby, Aunt Tracy and cousin Natalee. Natalee is 3 months older than Reid, so it has been fun watching them start to notice each other more and more. I can't wait to see them interact in a year when they're a little older! They were really cute together - whatever toy Natalee had, Reid wanted. We'll be making our way back to East Texas in a couple of weeks for Natalee's first birthday! Once again, I'm reminded HOW FAST time flies!!!!! Is my little baby closer to being 1 than he is to when he was born!!?? (does that make sense?)

"Hum...that toy looks interesting, I want it!"

"Hey! Give it back!"

On Monday, we went to playgroup over at Brooke and Wyatt's house. I love being able to watch all of my friends' babies grow up too! It's so funny seeing Chloe, Hallie, and Ally walking around now, eating regular food, and even saying a few words. The boys in the group are lucky to have these older women teach them a few things...especially since Reid's other friends are mainly boys! (with the exception of sweet Chloe Conger- the only other girl he knows who is his own age) :) I'm so thankful for all of my good friends - you guys are such a great support group! Plus, a special shout-out to my high school and college friends who don't have kids and therefore don't make the blog as often - you all have been there for me for what seems like forever and I love how close we've remained even if I don't see you every week! While I'm feeling so thankful, I can't not mention my 2 sisters, Brittany and Courtney! I see them quite often, although I think it's because they really want to see Reid, which is fine with me. Reid could not ask for better aunts and I couldn't ask for better sisters!

The group - Carter, Chloe, Ally, Wyatt and Reid

Wyatt and Reid (many people say they look so much alike!)


Hunter, Amanda, Hudson and Maddie said...

He is so precious. His hair is getting so long! I hope to see you guys soon.

Nicole said...

Reid you are growing up so fast! Your hair looks very blonde little man!!! :) what a cutie meredith. we miss y'all.