The Northcutt Family blog

This is a crazy, beautiful life we lead. "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly" -John 10:10

Thursday, December 13, 2007

9 months

Wow! Has it really been 9 months (and will I always ask this question at each stage of his life)?? I can't believe we're in the last quarter of Reid's 1st year! Matt and I love watching Reid discover his world. It seems like everyday he is doing something new! We went to his 9 month appt., where I of course had tons of questions, but the doctor said Reid looks great. His stats: weight- 17 pounds, 12 ounces (50th percentile), height - 28 inches (75th), head - 17 1/2 (or 3/4) inches (50th). His preferred method of transportation is still army crawling, but he can push up on all fours and go from laying down to sitting up. Sometimes when I go into his room he's sitting up just staring at me through the slats of his crib! He also loves to stand and would love to walk if he could. I'm trying to get Reid to "take" a special lovee (he has 2 great ones - a soft bunny and frog), and he shows some interest in them, but what really soothes him is hair! He loves to feel his little patch at the top of his head, grab my hair and rub it on his face (funny, I know!) or even feel his eyelashes! Even though life is a lot crazier now that I can't just leave him in 1 spot and know that if I walk away he'll still be there, I'm loving this "busy little boy" stage!


Leslie said...

That hair thing is so cute. What lovee did you have as a kid? I had a really long rabbit named friend. I need to start that with the boys too.

Meredith said...

Maybe Reid is taking after me...I didn't have a lovee. I love that you remember yours!

Leslie said...

I'd like to see a race between Reid and Luke. He has definitely perfected the army crawl.