The Northcutt Family blog

This is a crazy, beautiful life we lead. "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly" -John 10:10

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Walking!! (kind of...)

*I was able to capture some pics of him walking on the camera...still hope to video though!*

Reid is not using walking as his main mode of transportation, but he is now taking about 5-10 independent steps! Each day his steps improve and so does his confidence. About a month ago he began wanting to walk ALL THE TIME while holding on with both of his hands to our hands, then he wanted to walk while just holding on with one of his hands. Now, he still wants to walk while holding onto one of our hands, but he's starting to want to walk on his own from Matt to me or vice versa, from his toys to the couch, or from the couch to one of us. (I think he wants to be able to grab onto something when he falls). I tried getting a video, but it was hard to catch him and video at the same time. I'm still going to try and document this though! It will be interesting to watch him gain independence and see how long it takes before he wants to just walk. Does this mean that I really have to babyproof? I can't believe that my little guy is growing up!

Ok, not so bad - I can do this without holding onto somebody's hands...

Now this, I much prefer - Paci in mouth, ball in hand, finger to hold

Just make it to mommy...what is that bright light that's going off???

Whoa Nellie!

Off to the couch!

Hey! What's the big deal?

I think I could get used to not crawling to get around (although, I don't fall when I crawl)


Hunter, Amanda, Hudson and Maddie said...

wow...that is so awesome!!!! yeah for reid...we are so proud of you!

S, J, B, & S said...

Wow!! What a big boy you are, Reid! We're so proud of you!! Can't wait to see you in action! :)

Natalie said...

wow, walking already! I'd say it is definitely time to babyproof!

CIrons said...

How exciting! What a big boy!

Unknown said...
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The Rowe Crew said...

Yay Reid!! Way to go! So proud of you :o)

Kara Wilson said...

YAY REID!!! Will you teach me to walk to soon? I want to come see you this weekend so you can show me your new moves! Love, Tanner :)

S, J, B, & S said...

Oh my gosh, the pictures are PRECIOUS! It's so funny to see Reid walking! Seems like just yesterday we were thrilled that they were rolling over ...

Leslie said...

Way to go Reid! Just in time. Can't wait to see it for myself.

The Penuels said...

Oh my goodness!! All grown up :) Go Reid!!

Nicole said...

Congrats Reid!!! Such a big boy. :) Can't wait to see you in action.

Donnell Days said...

WOW!!! I can't wait to see him in action tomorrow!!! :)

Hunter, Amanda, Hudson and Maddie said...

i just saw the pictures...that is most adorable thing ever! so fun! i can't wait to see him in person!! hope to see y'all soon.