The Northcutt Family blog

This is a crazy, beautiful life we lead. "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly" -John 10:10

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

"Reid's" Drawer

I've read that it's a good idea to allow your child to have 1 cabinet/drawer in the kitchen, family room, wherever that they are able to open and play with the contents. The best drawer for that is in the kitchen - the tupperware drawer. It's in a perfect location, easy for him to pull out, and everything inside is safe to play with. The only issue is that I hate putting the tupperware into that drawer! Which poses an annoyance seeing how he likes to pull it all out. I hate it because I would just like to throw it in there but because I have a lot and it's not pliable and some pieces are rather large, I have to organize, maneuver, etc. when putting the pieces back in order for the drawer to close. Oh well. Whatever makes him happy.


andydawn said...

WoooHooo this is fun!! I also stalk your blog ;) Reid is the cutest! We need to have a coming out party!

Leslie said...

Cute idea Meredith! I hadn't heard that. I'll have to give them boys each their down drawer I guess. I don't want Reid bragging about his tupperware and all.

The Penuels said...

Reid looks so grown up!! What a cutie:) See you at playgroup!

4under3 said...

We, too, have a kids drawer in our kitchen. Our little guy (22 months) LOVES that he can go in and get his own sippy cup out. And now they help "put away" sippy cups when I am emptying the dishwasher. ;) Your little guy is so "handsome" as we call it here.

Nicole said...

looks like he's having a ton of fun! i hate organizing my tupperware...definitely my LEAST favorite job. you know one of my first SAHM jobs was to # the tupperware. we're not anal here at the Conger house... ;o)