The Northcutt Family blog

This is a crazy, beautiful life we lead. "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly" -John 10:10

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Losing Weight and Keeping it Off

Starting around sophomore year in high school I slowly started gaining weight and didn't stop until after sophomore year of college.  I started the process of losing weight around the time I started dating Matt (now my husband), end of sophomore year.  I took stock of what I was eating (can we say, pass the bagel with cream cheese and strawberry jelly, followed by cereal, for breakfast??) and the lack of exercise/movement and I made some changes.  Since then, I've managed to keep off about 25 pounds and I've also added muscle.  I've realized tips that have helped me in the process of not only losing weight but becoming fitter.  Just a side note - when I went in to have Reid at 9 mos. pregnant, I weighed what I did at my heaviest years before!!!!  So, I lost all my weight before having kids, which helped with losing the baby weight.

(Matt asked me about what I was going to be blogging about and when I told him he asked me if this would be bragging.  I told him that I'm always interested in reading people's stories about losing weight, so I'm not bragging or anything, just passing along the tips that have helped me) :-)  Plus, I showed him the pictures I was using and I didn't hear anymore about bragging.  I can read between the lines.

My weight loss has gone in stages, and so here are the tips I've learned from each phase.

PHASE 1:  Start thinking about what the flip I'm eating!!!!
Like I said, those years in high school and early college years, I did not even think about what I was eating.  Breakfast consisted of bagels with cream cheese, strawberry jelly, cereal, muffins.  I'm sure lunch and dinner were just as carb heavy.  (And, not to mention those late night runs to Taco C).  Plus, after dinner we'd make our 1 minute rice krispie treat special using the cereal on hand, some butter and marshmallows and just pop in the microwave.  I realized that I was putting on FAT and so started reducing what I was eating and not eating so many carbs.  I didn't do all protein but I at least added some to my diet and took away all the empty caloric carbs I was consuming.  That, combined with adding exercise, started to work.

PHASE 2:  Weights, weights, weights
I took a strength training class in college for a PE credit and starting lifting weights for the first time ever.  I truly believe that strength training is one of the best things to do for a healthy and fit body, even over the cardio.  (I don't have any basis or background expertise to state that, just my opinion.)

PHASE 3:  Start moving!
After I started eating better and lifting weights, I also made it a goal to get my heart rate up - I'd go walking around the Bear Trail (sic em!) with friends, do a cardio machine in the exercise room, etc.  Working out became a part of my routine.

Those are the phases that began my weight loss/get fit journey.  This was all before kids.  Having kids is a game changer, but not a game ender.  I had to tweak some things after having kids.  I'll do another post about my fit tips for during and after having kids.

Ready for some pictures??

I feel like I should add some commentary to some of these pics.....let's examine all the things that are just not working in this picture......the bow as a senior in high school.....THE POSE ?????......the sweater.......what I LOVE about this picture is that the girls pictured are still some of my closest friends

College Days - overalls??  they were so comfy.....

UGH.....those large shirts weren't helping anything!!!!

After the boys - I'd lost the initial weight, but  still had some of Jace's baby weight to lose

Anniversary June 2013 

I don't just randomly take pics of myself - I text with my mom and sisters to check on how outfits look :)

Another text among sisters/mom to see how this looked....ignore the messy room behind you.  We are working on getting our master decorated.


Kampen Family said...

Meredith-you look amazing!! You should be proud of your progress and the fact that you're a sexy wife and mama to 3 babies:)

Anonymous said...

You're my hero, on many levels! Brains, beauty, discipline, and a big heart!!

spitney said...

Way to go Meredith! I am ready to hear about your weight loss tips after having kids that keep you super busy!

Meredith said...

Lindsay - thank you! You're a sexy wife and mama too!!!!

Vicky - That's probably one of the sweetest comments I've ever received!!! Thank you for your kind words!!!

I'll make sure and include the tips in my next post of how I balance working out with the demands of being a mommy!!!

annajanine said...

Aww, you must have been hearing my call for help! These honest tips are very encouraging, M, and you look wonderful! Ugh...I've got to get MOVING. Thanks!

The Lance Family said...

You look amazing!!!! And losing weight and keeping it off is not easy to are awesome!!!

Unknown said...

Great story!! I am struggling with losing weight and reading your page reminded me to keep to the basics and it will work. Thanks!