The Northcutt Family blog

This is a crazy, beautiful life we lead. "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly" -John 10:10

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Christmas in Longview

We spent a nice long weekend with Matt's family in Longview. The weather was great (I'm really enjoying this uncharacteristically warm spout) and we had a lot of fun spending time with Granna, Granddaddy, Uncle Toby, Aunt Tracy and cousin Natalee. To remind you, Natalee is just 3 months older than Reid, but at this age, 3 months makes a big difference. She's walking all over the place, and just seems older than Reid. This visit they seemed to notice each other more and at one point, even held a "conversation" with one another! We had our Christmas with them on Saturday night and Santa was very good to all of us! Reid got a wagon, a Tonka push toy, and lots of other things. Thanks for such a special weekend!

I also used my new camera for the first time this weekend. I'm loving it!! The Nikon D40.

Taking a ride in his new wagon

Posing with Granna and Grandaddy (and of course chewing on a crunchy leaf)

Reid loves to walk and will search for hands to grab onto!

"Is this for me?"

Are these the faces of future mischief makers? :)

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