The Northcutt Family blog

This is a crazy, beautiful life we lead. "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly" -John 10:10

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Ringin' in the New Year - Baby Style

New Year's Eve Pre-Baby...White Trash New Year's party where we actually counted down to 2006

New Year's Post Baby...home by 10 (and that was late!)

Thanks Kara for having us over! Reid had so much fun hanging out with Tanner and Hudson!

The boys in their jammies


CIrons said...

That made me laugh so hard when I opened this...great memories!

Donnell Days said...

We loved ringin' in the new year baby style with you all! :) Definitely different than in years past!

Kara Wilson said...

I am cracking up, too, looking at these pictures!! How much fun did we have at the White Trash party!?!? We had so much fun this year with you, too, and can't wait for many more fun New Year's with you guys! Thanks for being such sweet & special friends! We love you!