The Northcutt Family blog

This is a crazy, beautiful life we lead. "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly" -John 10:10

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Reid's First Trip

This past weekend we went to The Woodlands for Matt's regional work meeting. We had a great time and Reid did fantastic! Each night had a dinner theme night. Thursday night was Mardi Gras, and Friday was 70's night. Matt and I had fun dressing up, and we even got a little costume for our 70's baby!

Our friends - Lynette and Anson/ Mardi Gras Night

Reid's 70's outfit - and yes, his shirt is absolutely drenched from drool!

Our family in the 70's

Little Man

One morning I went in to his room and saw him in his bed and he just looked so much like a little man!! I had to grab the camera.

2 more years...

That's right! I'm officially in my "late 20s" - in 2 years I will be 30! I can't believe how fast time has gone. It just seems like yesterday that I was graduating from high school and starting college. I had a great time celebrating my birthday a day early with my high school friends at Cuba Libre on June 19, and then the next day sweet Kara took me to lunch (I don't know why we didn't take pictures!) and then that night I went to Jaspers with my family. It was a great birthday! What a difference a year makes!

Lindsey and Reid - he loved being held by her!

Me, Linds, Sarah, Heather, Brittany, Cyndi, Courtney, Reid - who is NOT happy! He wanted to eat!

I think we'll wait until he's a little older to eat cake...

Pops and Reid

Our family (minus Lilly) :)

Father's Day

We had a fun Father's Day! We went to the House of Blues Sunday gospel brunch. Reid did pretty well considering that it was LOUD! We didn't get any pics of all of us because we didn't want to disturb him! We finally got him to sleep and didn't want to wake him.

Trying Rice Cereal

We tried Rice Cereal for the first time...the first night we tried it, I don't think Reid ate any! It all pretty much ended up in his bib. The next couple of nights he did better, but our conclusion is that we're more ready than he is! We decided to hold off for a couple of weeks until he is 4 months old. Stay tuned for more "solids" updates!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Our Friends

Reid and I are having so much fun with our friends! We love to get together and hang out. I'm really enjoying getting good advice from other moms and getting to know new friends. I'm looking forward to watching the babies grow up together and begin to actually play together!

All the babies - 5 boys and 1 sweet girl

Our friends - Amanda and Hudson, Brooke and Wyatt, Summer and Blake, Emily and Cole, and Nicole and Chloe

Reid with his friend Quinn Poe

The mommies to be - Dena and Hudson, Kara with a baby boy? girl?, and Amy with a baby boy (the name's a secret and we can't wait to hear it!)

Brittney and Quinn; Reid and me - the boys can't wait for the rest of their friends to join us - see above picture :)


Lilly just loves Reid (or so we think)! She's constantly trying to give him "kisses" and now that his fingers are always in his mouth I really have to watch them. She also LOVES getting his passies! We've already had to throw some away because they were chewed up.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Our "Vacation"

This summer we don't have any vacation plans, but we'll be spending lots of time at the lake...or I should say that Matt will be spending time there because Reid is a little too young to be on the boat and someone has to stay home with him! :) Matt just can't wait until Reid is old enough to start wakeboarding even though whenever I think about that, I go into mother bear mode! I don't know what I'm going to do if this child is anything like Matt when he was younger and is as fearless! Here are some pics from times at the lake with friends and family.
Surfing the Wake:





Greg beginning his flip



The Magic Number

3 months has been the magic number for Reid. He was 3 months on June 6 and since then he has definitely not been as fussy! He's constantly "talking" and our favorite is when he squeals. He's discovering his hands, tongue and voice. However, now I'm ready for him to truly sleep through the night!

I always love babies and kids when they're sleeping. They really look like little angels! Reid still loves to sleep in his swing - he takes his naps there!

Playing with Friends

Last Monday I had playgroup at my house and before all the kids arrived, Reid and Wyatt Dunham had a chance to "play." You just wonder what they're thinking when they see each other!!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Highlights from the past 3 months

I won't include everything that's happened these last 3 months, but here are some of my favorite moments: NOT BEING PREGNANT! (as much as I liked the first 33 weeks, the last 5 weeks weren't so much fun), moving from newborn stage to infant (I liked the newborn stage, but it's so much better when they start to interact and don't just lay there!), being able to get out and about, meeting Reid's only cousin Natalee, bathtime, first time "swimming", and of course smiling! But, everytime I try to take a picture of him smiling the digital camera delay misses it (it doesn't miss the crying face though!) My not so favorite moments: getting shots (yes, both of us!), crying for no apparent reason (me in the first 3 weeks -gotta love those hormones- and now Reid), and sleepless nights (which at least is getting better). Even though there are some not so favorite moments, I love being a mother and wouldn't trade those moments for anything.

A New Experience

Ok, so I've decided to join the blog world so that friends and family can see what we're up to with this new addition to our family! This is completely new to me, and I'll try to keep it updated in between feeding, changing, and just simply holding because sometimes that is all Reid wants! I won't make this a "brag site" - I know that I enjoy seeing others' blog sites and I hope you enjoy seeing ours.